一场意外之中,平凡青年柳青阳(贾乃亮 饰)结识了商界精英陈一凡(王鸥 饰)。之后,柳青阳的家中发生了变故,他成为了家里唯一的顶梁柱。失去了住所的柳青阳带着母亲来到了工地居住,自己靠搬砖还债,此时,陈一凡再度出现在了走投无路的柳青阳面前,将他介绍进入了她锁在的明德房地产集团就职。 明德房地产集团此刻正面临着巨大的挑战,柳青阳请来早已经隐退的商业大亨梅道远(王劲松 饰)出山拯救明德集团,在梅道远的帮助和教导之下,柳青阳逐渐参透了商场上的尔虞我诈和你来我往。在此过程中,柳青阳和陈一凡之间的距离也渐渐靠近。
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2025 剧情简介:Following the tragic death of his wife, Jon struggles with feelings of guilt when he starts an affair with the enigmatic Red. As he comes closer and closer to Red in a psychologically probing and mutually abusive relationship, Jon begins to question what exactly happened the night his wife killed herself. With the Stutter, a haunting echo seemingly everywhere around him blurrin...