议员瑞查得(约翰·斯坦丁 John Standing 饰)和妻子克罗丽萨(瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 Vanessa Redgrave 饰)结婚已经三十余年了,彼此之间感情十分稳定。克罗丽萨正在准备一场盛大而奢华的宴会,这样的“工作”她已经进行了无数次,自然将一切打点得井井有条。
一位名为彼得(艾伦·考克斯 Alan Cox 饰)不速之客的出现让克罗丽萨的思绪回到了从前,彼时,她是风华正茂的少女,遇见了同样年轻英俊的彼得,两人情投意合,在一起度过了一段难忘的快乐时光。然而,瑞查得的出现却彻底改变了这一对佳偶的命运,最终,克罗丽萨选择了瑞查得,失望的彼得远走他乡。如今,彼得再度回到了克罗丽萨的身边,克罗丽萨发现,一种久违的激情和火热在胸中来回攒动。
2.0 印度制造 普通话版
8.0 陷阱1996
1996 剧情简介:"The third film in the series, The Trap, is an unusual beast. When the film opens our perpetually down-on-his-luck hero is actually on a bit of a roll. Business is booming, he’s got a new girlfriend, Akane has been accepted into college … he’s even upgrading his office equipment. Things couldn’t be better, right? Well, it wouldn’t be noir if things went well for Hama and the st... -
6.0 消失的女教师
8.0 开路先锋
10.0 死亡聚会
6.0 失踪的人
2009 剧情简介:The film is a modern-day film noir in which the sardonic, ginsoaked detective contends with an odd cast of characters while tailing a mysterious, middle-aged man traveling with a Mexican boy from Chicago to Los Angeles. John Rosow is a Chicago gumshoe whose skill for cracking a case often comes with a price; he has a penchant for getting in over his head, but he never loses his...