工藤新一是全国著名的高中生侦探,在一次追查黑衣人犯罪团伙时不幸被团伙成员发现,击晕后喂了神奇的药水,工藤新一变回了小孩!新一找到了经常帮助他的阿笠博士,博士为他度身打造不少间谍武器。为了防止犯罪团伙对他进行报复,新一决定隐姓埋名,暗中追查他们,希望能得到解药。一日,新一 的女友毛利兰来到了阿笠博士的家寻找男友的下落,被小兰撞见的新一情急之下编造了自己名叫江户川柯南,随后柯南寄居在了小兰家。小兰的父亲毛利小五郎是一名私家侦探,新一可以籍着和他一起四出办案一起追查黑夜人的下落。柯南在小学认识步美等小学生,他们一起组织了一个少年侦探团,向罪犯宣战!
2024 欧美动漫简介: After discovering their troop is in danger of disbanding, Snoopy and the Beagle Scouts set off to immerse themselves in nature and the great outdoors to earn their badges, with the Beagle Scout Manual as their guide. Meanwhile, Charlie Brown and friends enjoy their summer at Camp Spring Lake, crossing paths with Snoopy as they experience hiking, swimming, sitting around campfires, and everything summer camp and the outdoors have to offer.
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