第二季将我们带回到虚构的宾夕法尼亚州比尔小镇。德尔·哈里斯(丹尼尔斯 饰)和格蕾丝·坡(蒂尔内 饰)在经历第一季的悲惨事件后试图重建自己的生活。讲述了一系列看似无关的谋杀案,背后隐藏着一个更大的阴谋,威胁着这个关系紧密的小镇上的每一个人。
8.0 木偶屋 第二季
4.0 幽灵冬至
6.0 冲破囚笼
10.0 天生明星2015
2015 欧美简介:Musical retro romance. Claudia Koval came to Leningrad from Poland with one goal - to get as much knowledge, so it is with the head immersed in their studies. Its motto - "You can not feel sorry for yourself." But fate has prepared her a very different future - it is destined to become a famous singer. About this glory is a dream, because it will know not only in the USSR but a... -
9.0 索菲娅
5.0 旺达在哪里?