9.0 盗杯同盟
2022 欧美简介: After investing all his savings to travel with his son to the World Cup, Lucho is shocked when he learns that the Argentine team gets disqualified from the yuankan.cc games. He and a handful of his co-workers, a flashy group of losers about to lose their jobs, decide to take "justice into their own hands", so they devise a plan to steal the celebrated World Cup trophy during its promotional tour of Argentina. This way, the national team could rejoin the games, and he and his son could travel to World Cup as originally planned. -
5.0 地狱旅馆 第三季
5.0 英国女模艾林绑架事件
1.0 紧急救命3
8.0 末日地堡 第二季
5.0 联邦调查局:通缉要犯第六季
2024 欧美简介:DickWolf’strioofFBIdramaswillcontinueatCBS.FBI,FBI:MostWantedandFBI:Internationalhaveallbeenrenewedbythenetwork.FlagshipshowFBIhasbeenhandedathreeseasonrenewal,whichwillencompassseasonsseventhroughnine.FBI:MostWantedcomesbackforitssixthseasonandFBI:Internationalhasbeenrenewedforitsfourthseason.Allthreewillairinthe2024/25season