影片将以李家大院为背景,讲述主人公李紫庸与英国妻子布兰切的爱情故事,以及李紫庸执掌家业后,以西式方法将李家事业发扬光大的历程,使人们在影片中了解李家大院,感受晋商文化 影片原型为晋南富商李子用。李子用上世纪初被选派至英国留学,与英国女子麦克蒂伦结为伉俪,归国后兴办工业,实业兴国 李家大院的部分院落带有欧洲哥特式建筑风格,门楼外形的整体轮廓高、直、尖,线条轻快,造型挺秀,表面砖雕图案又为晋南民间艺术,呈现出中西合璧的特色。
8.0 秘密2015
7.0 魔鬼特训营
1.0 鳟鱼
9.0 轮舞
1950 剧情简介:An all-knowing interlocutor guides us through a series of affairs in Vienna, 1900. A soldier meets an eager young lady of the evening. Later he has an affair with a young lady, who becomes a maid and does similarly with the young man of the house. The young man seduces a married woman. On and on, spinning on the gay carousel of life. -
7.0 谁敢惹我
9.0 蛇穴