在俄国革命的余波中,Alexander Rostov伯爵发现自己光鲜亮丽的过去将他置于历史的错误面。没有被立刻处决的他,被苏联革命法庭放逐到了大都会酒店的阁楼中,如果他再次踏足户外,将面临死亡。时光流逝,酒店外的俄国经历了最动荡的几十年,而Rostov所处的受限境遇,则让他的精神得以进入一个更为广阔的天地。随着他在酒店内建立起新生活,Rostov发现了友情、家人和爱的真正价值。
7.0 警察世家 第十三季
6.0 战地对焦
2022 欧美简介:The story is about a war photographer Mehmet and a group of journalists from different countries captured by ISIS in Syria. It starts with a visit to a Ezidi village to do research. In the series, the group, who secretly crossed the border, fell into the hands of this radical terrorist organization ,except the lead actor, as a result of a raid, and then the dramas, changes and ... -
6.0 爆笑女子乐队 第二季
6.0 谁杀了他?
5.0 惊声尖叫 第二季
8.0 人人都恨克里斯 第三季