9.0 威尼斯血案[电影解说]
3.0 死亡的甜蜜[电影解说]
1967 电影解说简介: Bernard meets Jane in a Night Club, in London, and he likes her. Her father was killed in a car accident, but Jane thinks he has been killed because he was blackmailed for a picture of his second wife, Jane’s mother in law. In the same Night Club Bernard finds the blackmailer corpse and Jane near him, but he believes she is innocent. So Bernard and Jane run away followed by a dwarf, the blackmailer’s men, who believe Bernard killed their boss and of course, the Police. They believe that Jerome, Jane’s brother, can help them to solve the case. But Jane doesn’t know where he is, or so she says. Corpse after corpse, Bernard will find out the truth. But will the truth help him? -
9.0 塔兰图拉毒蛛[电影解说]
1971 电影解说简介: 塔兰图拉毒蛛(Tarantola dal ventre nero, La)由吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼 克劳迪娜·奥格尔 芭芭拉·布薛特等巨星主演,由著名的恐怖片导演Paolo Cavara执导。 铬黄,是意大利早期生产的低俗小说的纸张颜色,代表着陈旧、劣质和通俗。铬黄电影的内容也就离不开市井气的凶杀、通奸和诱拐,简单来讲,就是我们现在所说的“三俗”,也可以说是“意大利的杀人狂电影”。被残虐的对象99.9%是无辜的年轻女性,死亡前都有不同程度地折磨。以达里奥·阿真托、卢西奥·福奇和马里奥·巴瓦为首的铬黄大师们,用各种变态的手段无所不用其极地蹂躏着可怜的花朵,也摧残着我们的视听系统。刀片锐利无比,娇嫩的皮肤像白纸一样脆弱,鲜血像加了水泵一样喷涌四溅。www.chaoji365.com -
4.0 温暖的夜晚[电影解说]
1.0 一岛九命[电影解说]
1977 电影解说简介: "Nove Ospiti per un Delitto" is a mediocre giallo in the tradition of Agatha Christie's "And Then They Were None". Nine members of the same family go to an island, where nobody lives - but the head of the family (Arthur Kennedy) owns a nice house there. Problem is that he and his three sons keep a dark secret, and this dark secret begins to haunt them as soon as they are on the island. One by one they fall victim to a mysterious killer... (IMDb) -
1.0 学校1975[电影解说]