At a village fête, Poirot runs into an old friend, John Harrison and his fiancé Molly Deane, a fashion model. Harrison invites Poirot and Hastings to tea the following week where Poirot learns that Molly had once been engaged to a local artist, Claude Langton. Poirot is puzzled by a number of apparently unrelated incidents but concludes that someone is being untruthful and that a murder is being planned. Courtesy of Hastings' new hobby, photography, Poirot knows exactly what is going to occur.
10.0 铠甲勇士铠传[电影解说]
7.0 逃离2009[电影解说]
2009 电影解说简介: 微笑着的胖女人,空无一人的餐厅,只有一只嗡嗡作响的苍蝇满屋乱飞。她开门吹起口哨,一个拖着玩具汽车的小男孩进屋就餐。口哨声仿佛指令一般,催促着监视着小男孩赶快吃饭。时间马上就要到九点了。可是在小男孩眼中,这却是如同蹲监狱一般痛苦难熬。他把胖女人想象成看守人,餐厅就是冰冷灰暗的囚室。还差几分钟就是九点了。男孩只好吃起了饭。一个意想不到的发现改变了这一切——粥碗下是条深不可测的通道,他终于可以逃出这座监狱了。终于,他逃出了这座暗无天日的监狱。九点整,也许事实并非如此。 本部水彩手绘动画短片,以极其简单的人物形象跟故事情节,道出了一个深刻的生活无奈:也许终其一生,不过是在他者的监视和控制下求得生存吧。 -
1.0 铠甲勇士捕将[电影解说]
2015 电影解说简介: 2069年,超智能电脑利用合成体僵傀控制世界,遭到人类的抵抗,为了统治世界并管理人类,超智能电脑派遣无间妖与众僵傀回到2016年,收集人类的精神信息码,提供给超智能电脑。被夺走精神信息码的人,变得毫无情感,如行尸走肉一般,人类社会惨遭涂炭。受害者苏筱筱失去记忆,流浪在城市中。充满热情、相信只要通过努力定会成功的信一,决心帮助苏筱筱找回记忆。寻找记忆过程中,他们不断受到僵傀的袭击。信一得到捕将铠甲系统,在好友志凯等人的帮助下,信一合体为捕将铠甲,痛击僵傀。在危急时刻,又出现神秘的捕将铠甲帮助信一。线索显示,原来僵傀和霸王集团有着千丝万缕的关系,苏筱筱的身世也指向霸王集团。信一面对诸多邪恶力量,一直坚持正义的信念,燃烧不尽的热情,最终消灭了整个邪恶势力,破解了重大的阴谋 -
6.0 铠甲勇士捕王[电影解说]
8.0 不存在的朋友[电影解说]
2015 电影解说简介: A little boy waits to meet his best friend to celebrate Halloween. When she at least appears, boy's mother makes a photo in her tablet and both walk house by house looking for trick-or-treat. Meanwhile he obtains several candies, she obtains no one, and he shares his candies with her, as well as both did the previous year. But when both come back to his home, he jokes with a man thinking that he's a fake doctor, taking a diagnosis paper from his hands, making that his mother runs behind her son. When accidentally the boy reads the diagnosis, he surprises with the words "Imaginary friend". Although the doctor and his parents says that she friend isn't true (showing him the photo of the tablet, where he's alone, instead with her at side of him), he claims her for real. After boy and girl run away returning to the hill, parents and police looking for the boy, making a macabre and unexpected discovery. Written by Chockys -
2.0 金甲战士[电影解说]