动画改编自法国作家大仲马的同名小说《三剑客》。科琳娜(Kelly Sheridan 配音)出生在一个民风淳朴而又保守的小镇之中,从小,科琳娜的性格就有些像男孩子,勇敢而又执着。她一直梦想着能够前往大都市巴黎,在那里成为一名剑客,然而,在那个年代,女孩子想要成为剑客,那简直就是一件不可能发生的事情。 幸运的是,科琳娜结识了三位和她志同道合的姑娘们——艾拉米娜(Kelly Sheridan 配音)、薇薇卡(Cassidy Ladden 配音)和蕾妮(坎迪斯·麦克卢尔 Kandyse McClure 配音),三人一拍即合,决定相互帮助,实现她们彼此的梦想。在巴黎,三个姑娘不仅女扮男装,混入化装舞会,甚至在机缘巧合之下拯救了王子的性命,充满了刺激的冒险就此拉开序幕。
6.0 蜂窝谜案[电影解说]
1991 电影解说简介: At a village fête, Poirot runs into an old friend, John Harrison and his fiancé Molly Deane, a fashion model. Harrison invites Poirot and Hastings to tea the following week where Poirot learns that Molly had once been engaged to a local artist, Claude Langton. Poirot is puzzled by a number of apparently unrelated incidents but concludes that someone is being untruthful and that a murder is being planned. Courtesy of Hastings' new hobby, photography, Poirot knows exactly what is going to occur. -
9.0 蓝色特快上的秘密[电影解说]
10.0 高尔夫球场的疑云[电影解说]
8.0 花园疑案[电影解说]
1991 电影解说简介: Amelia Barrowby is in fear for her life, fearing someone in her home will kill her. When she sees Poirot at a flower show where he is receiving an award, she speaks to him for a moment, giving him a packet of flower seeds. When he arrives back at his office, he discovers the seed packet is empty, and a letter from Mrs. Barrowby arrived in the morning post, which he did not receive on time. He follows up on the letter the next morning, but discovers he is too late--Mrs. Barrowby is dead, poisoned with strychnine. Mrs. Barrowby's will leaves everything to her Russian nurse, who is suspected of the poisoning, both by inspector Japp and Mrs. Barrowby's live-in niece and her niece's drunkard husband. But did the nurse commit the murder, and if so, why? -
10.0 罗杰疑案[电影解说]
6.0 亨特小屋的秘密[电影解说]