活泼的小女孩秀兰•布雷克(ShirleyTemple秀兰•邓波饰)生在一个普通的家庭,虽然家境平平,但充满了快乐和幸福。秀兰平日随妈妈(LoisWilson饰)在苛刻、尖酸的史密斯家里帮佣,闲暇时便和飞行员爸爸及其教父詹姆斯(JamesDunn饰)一起玩耍。\r 然而,这样渺小的幸福也稍纵即逝。爸爸在执行任务时死于空难,妈妈也被车祸夺去了生命。原本快乐的秀兰转眼之间成为孤儿。史密斯家打算将她送进孤儿院,而詹姆斯决定收养这名可怜无助的小女孩……
5.0 米莉摆烂
2021 剧情简介:Everyone bode her a rousing farewell on her way to New York – and yet, she remained in Wellington! With fantasy, charm and typical New Zealand humour, Millie finds it necessary to produce fake pictures of her supposedly wild life overseas and posts them for her friends on the World Wide Web. As a secret shadow to her own life, she learns a lot that she would rather not have kno... -
8.0 狗仔杜宾
4.0 1刑的乌鸦特别篇
9.0 椒麻堂会
9.0 小蓝
4.0 托里和洛奇塔