性情冷酷残暴的约瑟夫·霍菲尔(卡尔·马克维斯 Karl Markovics 饰)是一个被警方通缉的罪犯,此时此刻他驾驶汽车来到荒郊野外,几经辗转因爆胎而落脚一间小木屋。可是还没等到他安顿下来时,便被小木屋的主人——一个面容极度恐怖、有如妖怪的女孩(纳迪娅·亚历山大 Nadia Alexander 饰)猎杀了。杀戮之后,女孩生吃约瑟夫的尸体,随后又钻进这个恶徒的车里四处翻检。这时,她听到后备厢传来的声音,结果竟在里面发现一个双眼被弄瞎的少年(托比?尼克尔斯 Toby Nichols 饰)。这个少年似乎饱受约瑟夫的虐待和折磨,身心均遭受了极大的摧残。 怪物女孩米娜解救了失明少年,却也因此勾起了她心中的恐怖回忆……
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9.0 血腥杀戮2
2016 恐怖简介:Stina a single mother has fallen on hard times. When she has hit rock bottom she is offered a job on a reality horror show, with the promise of a million dollars to the winner. The group of contestants are taken to the deep woods where they must fight to be the last manwoman not caught by the slasher. Unbeknownst to the contestants the slasher is not an actor. They have just s...