1.0 绝命横财
6.0 燧石行动
8.0 创立:奥斯曼第四季
1.0 阿卡普高第二季
2022 海外简介:“Acapulco" tells the story of twenty-something Máximo Gallardo (Enrique Arrizon), whose dream comes true when he gets the job of a lifetime as a cabana boy at the hottest resort in Acapulco. He soon realizes the job is far more complicated than he ever imagined and in order to succeed, he must learn to navigate a demanding clientele, a mercurial mentor, and a complicated home l... -
7.0 窗中丽人
2021 海外简介:Nalan is a beautiful young woman who earns everyone's love at first sight with her warmth. As the only child of the family enlarged hand baby, baby roses, lived in the existence of life and Nalan graduated with honors the best schools, Turkey finds's largest hotel chain, which Koroglu company as an architect at running than himself Sedat Koroglu' with marriage Eve. Although Nal... -
10.0 审判第一季
2021 海外简介:Ceylin 和Ilgaz是两个对维护正义抱有相同热情,但选择的途径和方法却完全相反的年轻人。Ilgaz是守规矩、诚实且严格的检察官,而Ceylin则完全相反,她是一个没有边界和规则,不按常理出牌的律师。他们的立场和处事差异,使得每次他们在工作上有所交集时,总会发生意见冲突。 这天,拾荒人照常在垃圾箱寻找可以变卖的废品,不料发现了一个装着年轻女性尸体的行李箱。 检察官Ilgaz前往现场了解情况,他的父亲也正好是这桩案子的负责警官。殊不知这个案子将给他们家带来巨大的打击——他的弟弟??nar被列为本案的首要嫌疑人。 Ilgaz必须聘请一位优秀的律师来帮助弟弟??nar,他不得不求助于律师Ceylin。因为Ilgaz在工作中难免树敌,而叛逆的Ceylin天不怕地不怕,不畏强权,正是给弟弟辩护的最好人选。Ceylin会接下这个案子,帮助Ilgaz和他的家人...