2.0 情迷幽灵
9.0 女人的觉醒 第二季
10.0 女人的觉醒
2018 泰剧简介: Nat Sirsukmaha-anand, M.D. , a neurologist does not only treat the physical diseases of his patients but also their personal problems. Follow along on his case studies of various women with all different backgrounds and personalities yet with one thing in common. They each are in dire need of romance. One wild night after the group of women spill some secrets about their past failures at love between one man they all were fawning over, they make a bet on who can get married first. And it also seems that Nat may have his own personal case study with a guy whom his dating app listed as a perfect match! -
9.0 我能看见你
3.0 珍爱禁果
1.0 戛萨珑花香
2019 泰剧简介: 转自YayaUrassaya_ChinaFC微博 第一世(拉玛六世时代后期 1924年左右) 主角是对北方乡县貌美如花的双胞胎。kasalong是姐姐,被妈妈养大擅长舞蹈,美丽善良。被爸爸养大的妹妹songpeep自私脾气火爆爱玩弄男人,以为妈妈只爱姐姐不爱自己,所以嫉妒姐姐。男主sap对姐姐一见钟情,但不知道双胞胎的事追错人。后来坏爸爸分别害死两姐妹,姐姐被囚禁虐待致死,妹妹被骗葬身火海。 第二世(现代) 妹妹投胎转世成pimpisa,姐姐kasalong的鬼魂为了让妹妹知道前世真相,让妹妹穿越到自己前世身上,不是想复仇。但没提到第二世假扮妹妹的人到底是谁。转世的男主thinnakrit知道了前世的事情,守着前世他与kasalong的房子至死。 第三世(二三十年后) 姐姐kasalong投胎转世为pimpisa的女儿pimmada,活泼可爱、爱憎分明的大学生。男主转世成pimpisa和thinnakrit朋友的儿子,是满世界跑的房地产商。然后终于可以好好在一起了!