故事开始于1966年的九州,因为父亲工作的缘故,个性腼腆的少年西见薰(知念侑李 饰)从很小的时候起就不断的经历着搬家和转校,不断转换新环境所带来的压力让薰产生了只要一紧张就会想要呕吐的毛病。
再一次经历了转学的薰来到了位于长崎县的一所高中就读,不断积累的压力让他心神俱疲。不过,薰发现,学校的天台能够让自己获得短暂的放松,只有在这里,他可以摆脱无处不在的他人的目光,做真实的自己。一天,薰意外的在天台邂逅了正在睡觉的川渕千太郎(中川大志 饰),千太郎是学校里有名的不良少年,期初对千太郎有些害怕的薰,在同他交往的过程中,意外发现了他温柔的一面。
8.0 灵魂2019
2019 剧情简介:Cut off from civilisation, a single mother puts her children on high alert when they bring home a young girl caked in clay. She tells of spirits and spirit hunters, but these are not mere superstitions. As more strangers show up on her doorstep, she quickly finds another reason to fear the forest. -
6.0 士兵的摇篮曲
2018 剧情简介:Stevan Jakovljevic, a biology teacher and World War I veteran who fought for the Serbian army, arrives to the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the end of the war and the opening of an ossuary in the village where he used to be stationed with his first company, the Fifth Artillery Battery. Back then, Stevan had to take sudden leave of absence and was then reassigned t... -
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