9.0 忍者
1962 剧情简介:大泥棒として有名な石川五右衛門を、権力に反逆した下忍として描いた村山知義の同名小説の映画化。監督は社会派の巨匠?山本薩夫があたり、リアルで豪快なアクションと権力の道具として生きるしかない下忍の反逆の叫びを描き出し、時代劇映画に新たな地平を切り拓いた。戦国末期、全国制覇の野望に燃える織田信長は延暦寺、石山本願寺など宗門の掃討に取りかかる。伊賀の国、百地三太夫配下の下忍?石川五右衛門は抜群の技術を誇り、仲間から一目置かれる存在だ。天台、真言修験僧の流れを汲む忍者たちは信長暗殺の密命を受けるが、なぜか五右衛門だけは残されてしまう……。三太夫役の伊藤雄之助の迫力ある熱演が見もの。 -
2.0 灰度灰
2.0 欧也妮·葛朗台
2021 剧情简介:Felix Grandet reigns supreme in his modest house in Saumur where his wife and daughter Eugenie lead a distraction-free existence. Extremely avaricious, he does not take a favorable view of the beautiful parties who rush to ask for his daughter's hand. Nothing should damage the colossal fortune he hides from everyone. The sudden arrival of Grandet's nephew, an orphaned and ruine... -
2.0 玛丽安
4.0 我要怎么感动你
6.0 双重爱情
2014 剧情简介:Taking on from where we left off, Dedh Ishqiya discovers yet another escapade of Khalujan (Naseeruddin Shah) and Babban (Arshad Warsi), a poetic journey underlined with revenge, drama and deception. The Begum (Madhuri Dixit-Nene) of Mahmudabad is hosting a festival of poetry and music in her mansion. The country’s best poets are in town. Khalujan posing as the Nawaab of Chandpu...