10集衍生剧里Sophie(Hilary Duff饰)向儿子讲述自己是如何认识另一半,就像母剧里Ted Mosby所做的事。《老妈老爸的浪漫史》背景设置在21年,除了描述女主的寻爱故事外,主角及朋友们亦会探索自己的生活,共同于这个被约会软件主导的时代找寻爱情。
2.0 欢乐一家亲 新版 第二季
5.0 欢乐一家亲(新版)第二季
3.0 夜游者
7.0 怪物:梅内德斯兄弟的故事 第二季
1.0 呼叫助产士 第十一季
2022 欧美简介:It’s Easter 1967, and celebrations are underway for a colourful Easter bonnet parade outside Nonnatus House. Sister Monica Joan and Reggie are excited about the Eurovision song contest, while Cyril and Lucille settle into blissful married life. After taking some time away following the death of their newborn son, Derek and Audrey Fleming return to Poplar with good news - Audrey... -
10.0 卡瓦纳诉讼 第一季
1995 欧美简介:1. "Nothing but the Truth" (3 January 1995) Successful but over-worked barrister James Kavanagh defends David Armstrong, played by Ewan MacGregor, a Cambridge student of impeccable background who is accused of rape by Eve Kendall, played by Alison Steadman, the wife of his employer. Eve's husband Alan is having an affair and she is lonely, which, at first sight, makes her seem ...