由Louis C.K.及Pamela Adlon主创,该剧算是Pamela Adlon半自传性质剧,讲述一位中产单身母亲女演员,如何整天工作之余,还照顾起三个女儿,而且她还得抽空应付住在对面街的英国籍母亲(Celia Imrie饰)。
6.0 度假胜地心慌慌
9.0 过气万人迷
6.0 罗斯威尔第四季
8.0 过气万人迷
10.0 从海底出击第三季
2022 美国简介:Season 3 follows the fortunes of a young U-boat crew as they engage in the Battle of the Atlantic, are hunted down by an obsessed Royal Navy Commander (Ray Stevenson) and are sent on a dangerous mission to the Southern Hemisphere. Together they form strong personal alliances under the command of Robert Ehrenberg (Franz Dinda). And yet Ehrenberg's thoughts remain in Kiel, where ... -
9.0 从海底出击第三季
2022 美国简介:Season 3 follows the fortunes of a young U-boat crew as they engage in the Battle of the Atlantic, are hunted down by an obsessed Royal Navy Commander (Ray Stevenson) and are sent on a dangerous mission to the Southern Hemisphere. Together they form strong personal alliances under the command of Robert Ehrenberg (Franz Dinda). And yet Ehrenberg's thoughts remain in Kiel, where ...