After his father's death, the unemployed Aman returns to Kuala Lumpur and embarks illegally on a ride-hailing service, as he fails to obtain a driving license due to his color blindness. When his landlord chases him out of his rental accommodation, he ends up sleeping in his car. A chance encounter with Bella, a Chinese 'escort girl', grants Aman a temporary residence at her pl...
5.0 出柜第4格
2015 剧情简介:亚当是普通工薪阶层的人生活在美国的一个小镇。他是一个汽车修理工,他将自己的空闲时间和他亲密的兄弟,克里斯,尼克和Ortu,与他everything-poker,视频游戏,投篮,醉酒和会议的女性。 但是有一些关于亚当,甚至他的朋友不知道。他不感兴趣的女人。当他出来时,偶然,但是却没有,他最好的朋友克里斯承诺他不会改变,但是,当然,有些事情做。 在最初的震惊之后,男孩迅速过来亚当还是一样的家伙,但当他与克里斯双日期悲惨地结束,一个喝醉酒的误解可能会阻碍该组织的整个动态。 强大的演员阵容,其中包括《欢乐合唱团》的和弦Overstreet第四人以足够的心是一个自我感觉良好的喜剧,重点是友谊的成长的烦恼。 -
2.0 躲避的爱
4.0 不可能小姐
2016 剧情简介:“Sophie is good at school and Mum's thrilled. Jessica has her boyfriend and, anyway, she’s Jessica. Me? I dunno. A void. I suck.” They’re all nuts. Her parents, who want to send her off to boarding school. Her new teacher, who expects her to read impossibly old books. Her fellow band members, who make her sing ridiculous lyrics and dress her up in a frilly white dress for their... -
8.0 不言而爱
2019 剧情简介:: ???? Fantasy Rom-Com Thesis ?? ???????? ???? ????????? ?????? 3 ?????????????????????????: X-Men, ???? Romantic Comedy ?????????????? (TILLY BIRDS) ????? ??????????? ?????? 1 ???????????????????????????????? (?????? ??? ?????? ??????????????????? MV “??????????” ??? Whal & Dolph ??) ????????????? (instagram) - ????? - @tanthaimg ????? - @mindfreakk ???? - @_iringrace_ ???? - ... -
8.0 冰血长津湖
4.0 毕业的我们