9.0 天下无敌
9.0 婴儿入侵
2024 动作简介:“This is Home Invasion,” Korine says, pointing at a computer monitor inside the house. On the screen plays security--camera and GoPro footage of masked men and women, wearing horns, rampaging through various Miami McMansions, tying up various innocent-looking families. “We’re trying to gamify movies,” Korine says. So Home Invasion is designed to look, at times, like a first-per... (展开全部) “This is Home Invasion,” Korine says, pointing at a computer monitor inside the house. On the screen plays security--camera and GoPro footage of masked men and women, wearing horns, rampaging through various Miami McMansions, tying up various innocent-looking families. “We’re trying to gamify movies,” Korine says. So Home Invasion is designed to look, at times, like a first-person shooter, and inside the film the home invaders are sometimes playing games —the idea being you can scan a QR code and play along with them. “What we’re trying to do is to build some mechanism that allows people to interface with the footage and basically remix, or make their own, films,” Korine says. -
6.0 白雪公主与七武士
6.0 功夫
7.0 武替道
9.0 武替道
2024 动作简介:动作指导李森(董玮 饰)本已息影多年,因昔日拍档导演欲完成人生最后一部作品才重出江湖;沉醉电影却苦无机会的动作演员李世龙(刘俊谦 饰),一直在理想与现实边缘苦苦挣扎。两代动作演员偶然相遇,一拍即合,决意凭这部“最后之作”令港产动作片再次发光发热。森更渴望借此重振名声,让婚礼在即的女儿Cherry(蔡思韵 饰)能面上有光,修补疏离的父女关系。然而,重返片场的森却顿觉一切已今非昔比,更与曾结怨的男主角、现已为知名动作巨星的梁志威(伍允龙 饰)狭路相逢。两人对何谓香港动作片精神看法分歧,龙夹在森与威的新仇旧恨间左右为难,拍摄过程中的种种难关与森的一段过往令他逐渐对森及动作片的前路产生怀疑...一件突发事故,更将师徒俩推向失控边缘.……