电影改编自真实故事,本片讲述的是美国一所高中女子排球队在新赛季开始前突然遭遇明星球员离世的意外,失去了主心骨的队员们意气消沉斗志涣散,这时外冷内热的主教练(海伦·亨特 饰)率领大家走出沮丧心情,顽强拼搏赢得州冠军的感人故事。
6.0 爱的故事
6.0 爱与债
2019 剧情简介:Henry Warner has wife that wants somebody else's life, a teenage daughter who wants her own apartment, an 8 year old daughter who wants to be Wayne Gretzky, his mother-in-law hates him and his five year old son has yet to speak. Henry and his family make an unlikely connection with Travis Parker, a kid with his first job at a collection agency that is inhabited by a diverse gro... -
7.0 海狼行动
2008 剧情简介:1941年太平洋战争爆发后,一艘中立国瑞士的商船“海狼号”秘密驶进了上海。在这艘商船上,集中了以船长、中共地下党员许伯韬为首的一群爱国青年,其中以大副萧汉光、水手长余龙、电讯员秦坤为骨干。这三人分别渗透到了“军统”和“中统”以及汪伪特工总部的“76号”与日特机关周旋,演绎出一系列惊心动魄的故事。从暗杀“军统”叛徒到护送中共要员进行策反,从三夺乾隆皇帝御封的“龙泉”宝剑到四盗德国纳粹提供给上海日军的轰炸机瞄准仪,从巧送电台到延安到为中国远征军送达最高命令,从破获日特机关在重庆密布的“银狐”间谍网,到护送蒋介石到开罗出席“三巨头”会议,剧情跌宕起伏,险象环生,讴歌了中华民族的浩然正气,书写了中华儿女可歌可泣的壮丽诗篇。 -
1.0 没事没事
2022 剧情简介:A lover's doubt in the cold light of morning leads a chain of uneasy intimacies--counselors, disruptors, peacemakers and fire-starters--every one looking to have a little faith rewarded. There There is director Andrew Bujalski’s latest collection of vignettes. The film tells a total of six separate stories, but some of the characters appear in multiple shorts. Each miniature sc... -
2.0 鱼跃龙门
7.0 词语