In the Golden Age of Piracy, at the dawn of the 18th century, Blackbeard stood out among the lawless rogues as the most fearsome and notorious seafarer of them all. He killed for the reputation, and his reputation has become legend. Now, for the first time, comes the true story of pirate Edward Teach, the man who terrorized the seas. Written by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
1.0 国足看少年
9.0 房子与狗
2017 剧情简介:金庆与林媛是一对中年夫妻,因为邻居每晚噪声较大,林媛一直想换个房子一日金庆带着女儿金倩出门寻找家里丢失的狗,因种种误会金庆被小区居民认成虐狗的变态,后来无数爱狗人士的骚扰威胁让整个家庭生活变得困扰不堪。金庆工作上的项目又被停掉,与好兄弟被一起开除,林媛又想着换房子,重压之下林媛想出利用假离婚获得购房优惠,夫妻二人又因假离婚导出许多矛盾。然而就在这关键时刻,林媛又怀了孕,换房迫在眉睫。金庆再次求职失败,决定于黄小贝一起创业,林媛为了支持自己老公,问家里借钱作为金庆启动资金。在经过一番努力后,金庆的事业开始走上正轨,金庆也放弃在城里买房,与妻子女儿狗狗一起幸福的生活在乡下,远离城市房价的压力。 -
3.0 快闪猎人之暗黑正义
6.0 腊月
7.0 嗜血将军2白皮少女
2.0 天路十一组