奥吉(雅各布·特瑞布雷 Jacob Tremblay 饰)是一个10岁的男孩,除了头戴一个巨大的太空头盔外,他和其他的同年龄孩子别无二致。头盔下隐藏了奥吉因为各种手术而伤痕累累的脸庞,它不仅完美的隐藏起了奥吉脆弱自卑的内心,也成功的防止了奥吉的模样吓到别的孩子。 奥吉没有上过学,他的所有文化知识都是母亲伊莎贝尔(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)在家教授给他的。然而,伊莎贝尔渐渐感觉到,家庭课堂无法满足奥吉的成长需要,除了学习知识,奥吉还必须学会的,是如何同除了家人以外的人交流。在忧虑重重之中,伊莎贝尔将奥吉送入了一间公立学校里,在那里,奥吉面临的是他人生中必须要战胜的挑战。
9.0 线索
2016 剧情简介:A fantasy thriller, where one face merges into the next. The thread that connects the worlds of the two protagonists, Niki and Lefteris, is memory, violence and a polemic of hope. A 'solo' performance in many respects by The Boy (director, writer, art director, composer) and his actress Sofia Kokkali, Nima challenges the values of contemporary society, with a unique cinematic a... -
8.0 秘密2015
7.0 魔鬼特训营
1.0 鳟鱼
9.0 轮舞
1950 剧情简介:An all-knowing interlocutor guides us through a series of affairs in Vienna, 1900. A soldier meets an eager young lady of the evening. Later he has an affair with a young lady, who becomes a maid and does similarly with the young man of the house. The young man seduces a married woman. On and on, spinning on the gay carousel of life. -
7.0 谁敢惹我