军区保卫部的赵科长,给某工厂的青年团员们做防特保密的报告,讲述了六个小故事: 一、七十五号密件:王参谋是一个不重视保密的人,一次下班前,为赶着去看电影,匆忙之中忘了将七十五号密件交给保管员保管,随手塞进衣袋。保姆在其衣袋里发现了密件后,偷偷地把它交给一个伪装成收破烂的特务。第二天,正当王参谋焦急万分地寻找密件时,公安部门前来逮捕保姆——特务,王参谋如梦初醒。 二、小广播:我边防战士,在一个风雪交加的夜晚,逮捕了一个偷越国境的匪特,在其身上搜出一份我部队调动的情报。原来,那些小广播把部队调动的消息,东传西传,传到小张的耳朵里,他想提早取出像片,急忙赶到照相馆,麻痹大意地把部队调动的消息转播给照相馆的老板,而照相馆的老板正是暗藏的特务。 三、夸夸其谈的人:在火车上,军区保卫部的赵科长遇见一位自称刚从部队转业的女同志及两位部队报纸的记者。两位年轻的记者,一...
4.0 水瓶座国语
2.0 克雷斯的魔法学院
9.0 李诺的梦想
6.0 逃亡者
1981 剧情简介: Marie and Michelle are escaping from a lunatic asylum. Michelle is a tough girl who knows how to survive on the road, but the extremely shy Marie desperately clings to her until Michelle gives in and promises help. The two get into a lot of trouble which puts their friendship to a test. Rollin's lost movie, and lost for a good reason, as the director told in several interviews (one on the British DVD, for example): it was simply so poor no distributor bought it. The director blames this mostly on the scriptwriter. The producer had hired someone to keep the director from continuing with his usual vampire mystery stuff, and that kind of co-operation against each other couldn't work. However, "The Escapees" has enough magic moments to be worth watching. Especially when people stop talking such as in the ending, or when Marie skates on the ice, imagining she is admired by a crowd, but only Michelle is secretly watching her. -
4.0 三叉戟
1.0 黄金地带