3.0 黑女孩
9.0 堤
1962 剧情简介:遍野废墟,末世凄凉。男主人公(达沃斯·哈内赤 Davos Hanich饰)成为核战爆发后少数存活下来的人类。他幼年时梦中总是目睹一名陌生男子的死亡,这也使得他成为了时光旅行的实验品。他被送往核战爆发前夕的过去,他在堤岸上遇见一位女子(海伦·夏特兰 Hélène Chatelain饰),并且爱上了她。当实验快结束时,他又要被送往躲过浩劫的未来。但是他拒绝了这个机会,势要与自己心爱的女子在一起。然而到最后,他才恍然发现,幼年时常梦见的死亡,原来正是自己。 这部由新浪潮左岸派代表人物克里斯·马克执导编剧的科幻先锋派短片《堤》,是科幻片历史中的一座里程碑。全片用完全静止的画面,模拟人类对往事的印象,讲述一个世界末日后的故事。简洁有力的音效氛围,流畅凝练的剪辑镜头,配上如诗如梦的旁白语言,一段梦中破碎的记忆被描画得触目惊心。 -
5.0 小丑国语
7.0 移民者
1.0 荷尔蒙的神奇世界
2014 剧情简介:Hormones shape each and every one of us, affecting almost every aspect of our lives - our height, our weight, our appetites, how we grow and reproduce, and even how we behave and feel. This documentary tells the wonderful and often weird story of how hormones were discovered. Presenter John Wass, one the country's leading experts on hormones, relates some amazing stories - how ... -
8.0 世纪彗星
2013 剧情简介:Comet ISON could well be the brightest and most spectacular comet for a generation. It should appear above the eastern horizon from December 2013 as a glorious streak across the sky. ISON has been travelling towards the sun for ten thousand years and will make only one orbit through its corona before disappearing off into the outer solar system. But as well as providing a great...