《维京传奇:英灵神殿》的背景设定在一千多年前的 11 世纪初期,记载了有史以来最著名的诸维京人物的冒险事迹:传奇探险家莱夫·埃里克松(山姆·科利特饰)、他脾气火爆而任性的妹妹弗蕾迪丝·埃里克斯多特(弗丽达·古斯塔夫松饰),还有野心勃勃的北欧王子哈拉尔·西居尔松(里奥·苏特饰)。第二季的故事情节发生在英雄们于卡特加特战败后不久;这件事粉碎了他们的梦想,改变了他们的命运。他们发现自己突然成为了斯堪的纳维亚的逃亡者,被迫在卡特加特峡湾之外的世界考验自己的野心和勇气。
6.0 大人物
7.0 大人物2024
3.0 Dia Angkasa
2024 欧美简介:Angkasa, a student with a dashing and handsome look, who is famous as the leader of a delinquent gang SATROVA at Andromeda High School, making him a feared figure at his school. Angkasa has a girlfriend named Analisa, who was previously also a student at Andromeda High School, but moves to Milan for a student exchange program. Their relationship are getting worse, then finally Angkasa decided to end the relationship. In the midst of his personal conflict, Angkasa meets Aurora, their first meeting sparking a heated debate between the two. However, Aurora managed to break through Angkasa's stubborn walls and assuage his ego. Slowly, she becomes a special one in Angkasa's life, but will they find happiness together? -
10.0 High Country
2.0 黑暗城市-清扫魔
10.0 黑暗城市- 清扫魔