克里斯蒂安堡宫 (Christiansborg Slot) 是丹麦议会、首相办公室及最高法院所在地,昵称 Rigsborgen 或 Borgen, 意为王国堡垒、堡垒或城堡,同时「克里斯蒂安堡」也时常指代整个丹麦政治体系。
6.0 海军罪案调查处 第二十二季
3.0 事过境迁
2.0 黄道杀人魔再揭秘
1.0 反败为胜:2004 波土顿红袜传奇之战
2.0 永眠边缘
2024 欧美简介:The post-apocalyptic mystery-thriller will follow a night watchman who finishes his shift at work to discover that everyone in the world who went to sleep the previous night has died. He and a band of survivors must stay awake and uncover the secret of the terrifying global epidemic before they too fall asleep. -
8.0 联邦调查局 第七季