黄氏家庭乃一个警察世家,黄二牛及一个儿子、四个女儿都服务于警队,虽父黄二牛因公殉职,剩下的子女在黄老太带领下继续效力皇家香港警察。儿媳妇高丽萍(高丽虹饰),亦是一名高级警务人员,因公事及私人感情等种种因素,黄家女儿多不满高,令高受尽委屈,高的老公,儿子辉(梁家辉饰)亦夹 在其中左右为难。但黄老太则十分喜欢高,望高能为黄家传宗接代。警方收到消息,有一帮越南仔准备打劫大世界夜总会,布下天罗地网,由黄氏夫妇担任指挥官,由于大女黄家玲(刘嘉玲饰)一时冲动,令行动失败,而玲亦误会高令其停职,姑嫂间冲突更加尖锐。不料,越南仔变本加厉,杀死了黄家老大...
7.0 怪兽湖
6.0 喋血边境
7.0 诛烬枭亡
2.0 皇牌空战
5.0 非凡营救
4.0 墨卡托迷踪
2022 动作简介:When the digital native Benjamin turns 18, he inherits a box of ancient artefacts from his missing father. He gives an antique book to Slien, the girl he has his eye on, and unintentionally sets a chain reaction in motion. An old man called Zeppos is also very interested in the book which once belonged to the cartographer Mercator. Using the secret messages in Mercator's book, ...