

类型: 剧情,理论
导演: 邱金海
更新:2025-01-28 05:02:44




《In the Room》是一部由六部短片系列组成的长片电影,以一间酒店里的房间为背景,讲述了1940年-1990年期间住在这里的客人们的故事,是一部涵盖爱情和大尺度官能刺激的电影。崔宇植将在片中饰演90年代故事《第一次》的主人公,是一个20岁的青年,他和好朋友也是他暗恋对象一起到新加坡背囊旅行,并在当地经历了变化无常的感情起伏过程。影片导演邱金海曾凭借《我的魔法》成为首位入围戛纳电影节竞赛单元的新加坡导演,此前执导的《12楼》、《和我在一起》都曾参展戛纳。而曾监制《无间道》、《狄仁杰》、《晚秋》等影片的施南生此次也鼎力助阵为该片担任制作人。


  • 骷髅扮演1 9.0 骷髅扮演1
    2010 惊悚,恐怖.情色,理论
  • 自由2019 8.0 自由2019
    2019 历史,情色,理论
    简介:1774, a few years before the French Revolution, somewhere between Potsdam and Berlin... Madame de Dumeval, the Duke of Tesis and the Duke of Wand, libertines expelled from the Puritan court of Louis XVI, sought the support of the legendary Duke of Walchen, a seducer and free thinker from Germany, alone in a country where hypocrisy and false virtue reigned. Their mission to export libertinage to Germany, a philosophy of enlightenment based on the rejection of morality and authority but also, and above all, to find a safe place to continue their misguided games.
  • 忠贞2019 7.0 忠贞2019
    2019 剧情,理论
    简介:The plot centers on a couple Lena is a talented obstetrician and gynecologist, and her husband Sergey is an actor in a provincial theater. Their relationship is tender and close, but totally devoid of sex. Lena suspects that Sergey is having an affair, but she suffers silently without letting her jealousy show. Instead of finding out what is going on, Lena starts cheating on him with random men. Slowly but surely, Lena's acts of infidelity spin out of control, basically re-writing her real life.
  • 真爱的伪术 7.0 真爱的伪术
    2016 剧情,理论
  • 猪倌的女儿 9.0 猪倌的女儿
    1972 喜剧,理论
    简介:Harry Novak, brings us a obscure but entertaining tale of the coming of age of a farmer's daughter, Moonbean (Terry Gibson), a red-head, busty country bumpkin who is the town's whore. She is constantly spied on by her younger sister Pretty Patty (Peggy Church) who masturbates after seeing her sister's sexual encounters. The ladies in this movie are all on the voloptuos side, it is a soft core but in any decade it would have gotten an X-rating, the sex scenes are that explicit. The lucky guy is Jasper who gets to do all the ladies in the movie, including a hard to believe overdeveloped 15 year old hitchhiker, (who would make any guys quickie hall of fame). The movie has erotic moments, and is funny.
  • 原罪2001 9.0 原罪2001
    2001 剧情,爱情,悬疑,理论
    简介:在十九世纪的古巴,当地咖啡业富商路易斯(安东尼奥•班德拉斯 饰)要迎娶一个邮购新娘。路易斯从未见过这名美国女子茱莉亚(安吉丽娜•朱丽 饰),当他在码头首次见到这位妻子的时候,茱莉亚的美貌令他倾心。但他不知道这位美丽新娘满脑诡计。新婚生活让路易斯幸福无比,他以为幸福日子可以一直这样持续下去。路易斯发现他的妻子并不是他想象中那样单纯。茱莉亚隐藏着一连串的谎言,最终目的都是路易斯的巨大财富。看似幸福的生活,就此暗藏了许多暗涌与变数。©豆瓣


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