3.0 铁面孔目裴宣
2012 剧情简介:北宋末年,京兆府制造军火的攻城作发生一起惊天军火被盗案,孔目裴宣奉密旨前来协助知府韩韬查案,发现案件疑点重重,韩韬想私下行刑,杀掉攻城作的工匠们结案,这种越俎代庖的做法让韩韬与裴宣产生隔阂。 裴宣无法与韩韬苟同,他决心不惜一切代价将案件查个水落石出,然而,事件的发展远远超出裴宣的想象,京兆府一个个诡异的人物粉墨登场,权利的压制,美色的诱惑,亲人的迫害都成为裴宣面临的巨大考验,案件变得扑朔迷离。 梁山戴宗在危难之际,认识了裴宣,他看出裴宣与其他朝廷官宦的不同之处,于是联手裴宣救出自己的兄弟。 案件也在裴宣锲而不舍的追踪和戴宗亦敌亦友的帮助下,逐渐明朗起来,攻城作爆炸案后面是关系国家命运的一场蓄谋已久的阴谋,而那股暗处的力量也展开疯狂的进攻,情形迫使裴宣暂时放弃与戴宗的隔阂并肩作战。 -
8.0 拉查西
2.0 末班轮渡
2019 剧情简介:For Joseph, a young lawyer from Manhattan, his first excursion to Fire Island is far from what he had in mind. Looking for a good time, he finds the infamous island on its off-season, with nary a hot guy in sight. Things start to look up when he meets a handsome stranger, but Joseph’s luck goes from bad to worse when his furtive lover drugs and robs him. Drifting into unconscio... -
9.0 旱季
10.0 期末考
1.0 少年斗志
2019 剧情简介:Students of two schools in Thiruvananthapuram that cater to different economical classes are in a tussle. While one set struggles for survival, the other is busy finding joy in drugs. The two groups keep finding reasons to mess with each other. Will they find the purpose of their lives amid the chaos?